1. 生物可降解高分子材料(如聚乳酸PLA)的合成、改性及应用
2. 功能粘接与涂层技术及材料的应用 (如UV光固化材料等)
3. 纳米与生物医用高分子材料
[1] 国家自然科学基金:天然纤维/热固性聚乳酸复合降解材料的制备及其固化反应动力学研究(项目批准号:51203118,起止时间:2013.01-2015.12,已结题)
[2] 同济大学青年优秀人才培养计划:新型磁性复合多功能纳米药物传输系统的构建与性能研究(课题编号:2013KJ002,起止时间:2014.01-2015.12)
[3] 中国博士后科学基金:用于肝癌诊疗的多功能载药体系及其热化疗协同增效研究(一等资助,资助编号:2012M510116,起止时间:2012.08-2013.06,已结题)
[1] 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划):新型纳米载药与治疗技术研究及应用(课题编号:2013AA032202,起止时间:2013.12-2016.11)
[2] “十二五”国家科技支撑计划:新型肿瘤栓塞微球研发——聚乳酸微球的制备与多级微球粒径控制技术(课题编号:2012BAI15B06,起止时间:2012.01-2015.12)
[3] 国家国际科技合作专项:糖尿病足纳米诊断及细胞移植治疗技术合作研发(课题编号:2013DFG32170,起止时间:2014.04-2016.03)
[4] 上海市纳米科技专项:基于磁热效应的纳米药物传输系统的制备技术及其在肿瘤热化疗治疗中的应用研究(课题编号:11nm0505100,已结题)
[5] 上海汽车工业科技发展基金会(上汽集团合作):全生物降解复合材料汽车内饰件的研制及产业化(2012~2015)(课题编号:1006)
[6] 上海市科委国际合作计划项目:天然纤维/聚乳酸复合降解材料的制备及其在航空航天中的应用(2007-2010)(课题编号:075207046,已结题)
[7] 上海市科委项目:聚乳酸/天然植物纤维复合材料的制备及性能研究(2007-2009)(课题编号:07XD14029,已结题)
[8] 企业合作项目:碳纤维生产技术与市场的调研(2012-2013)(课题编号:05002530121,已结题)
[9] 国际合作项目(美国波音公司):飞机内饰用生物质树脂及其复合材料的研制(2008-2009)(课题编号:0500239005,已结题)
[10] 国际合作项目(美国波音公司):飞机内饰用生物树脂及其复合材料的开发-聚磷腈阻燃聚乳酸天然纤维复合体系(2009-2012)(课题编号:0500239006,已结题)
1. 研究生课程:《生物医用材料学》
2. 本科生课程:《高分子成型工艺与设备》、《高分子材料的回收利用》
2009级博士 屈阳(江苏大学)
2008级硕博 刘妍(已毕业)
2011级硕博 邓立(已毕业)
2014级博士 王雪芳
2016级博士 牛海凤
2012级 冷俊昭(青岛卓建海洋装备)
2014级 周科瑜(创业)、蔡泉(黄河化工)
2015级 冒诗楠(薇诺娜)
2016级 彭程蔚(中兴)、闫晓琦(上汽大众)
2017级 程倩、谢鹏飞、王蛟
2018级 田原、袁泽飞
2014届毕业生 陆晓燕
2015届毕业生 王瀚翾、王懿瑶
2016届毕业生 张雅琳、陈雪婷
2017届毕业生 麦日哈巴·麦合木提
2018届毕业生 凌费聪冲、田原
2019届毕业生 尚留洋
[61] Pengfei Xie, Jiao Wang,Jianbo Li*, Qian Cheng, Keyu Zhou, Jie Ren. Miktoarm star-shaped poly(lactic acid) copolymer: Synthesis and stereocomplex crystallization behavior. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2019, 57(7): 814-826.
[60] Jiao Wang,Jianbo Li*, Jie Ren. Surface Modification of Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Microspheres with Enhanced Hydrophilicity and Dispersibility for Arterial Embolization. Materials 2019, 12(12): 1959.
[59] Jianbo Li*, ChengweiPeng, Zhimei Wang, Jie Ren. Preparation of thermo-responsive drug-loadednanofibrous films created by electrospinning. RSC Advances 2018, 8(31): 17551-17557.
[58] Xiaoqi Yan,Jianbo Li*, Tianbin Ren. Synthesis of miktoarm star-shaped and inverse star-block copolymers by a combination of ring-opening polymerization and click chemistry. E-Polymers 2018, 18(6): 559-568.
[57]Xiaoqi Yan, Jianbo Li*, Tianbin Ren. Synthesis of well-defined star, star-block, and miktoarm star biodegradable polymers based on PLLA and PCL by one-pot azide–alkyne click reaction. RSC Advances 2018, 8(51): 29464–29475.
[56] Minghua Li, Wenbo Bu, Jie Ren, JianboLi, Li Deng, Mingyuan Gao, Xiaolong Gao, Peijun Wang. EnhancedSynergism of Thermo-chemotherapy For Liver Cancer with MagnetothermallyResponsive Nanocarriers. Theranostics 2018, 8(3): 693-709.
[55] 杨凯, 罗顺, 陈勰, 李建波, 任天斌, 任杰. 不变动力学参数法研究热固性阻燃聚乳酸的热降解动力学. 塑料科技 2018, 46(4):24-28.
[54] 周英辉, 陈胜杰, 雷亮, 李建波, 任杰. PLA改性研究进展. 工程塑料应用 2017,(10): 132-136.
[53] 李建波*, 冒诗楠, 王雪芳, 任杰. 磁热温敏复合载药胶束对肿瘤细胞的热化疗协同增效研究. 吉林师范大学学报(自然科学版) 2017, 38(1): 6-9.
[52]蔡泉, 罗顺, 李建波, 任杰. 无影胶在3C行业中的应用及发展. 中国胶粘剂 2017, 26(3): 56-59.
[51] Yinghui Zhou, Liang Lei, Bo Yang, JianboLi, Jie Ren. Preparation of PLA-based nanocomposites modified bynano-attapulgite with good toughness-strength balance. Polymer Testing2017, 60: 78-83.
[50] Keyu Zhou, Jianbo Li*,Hanxuan Wang, Jie Ren. Effect of Star-shaped chain architectures on the polylactidestereocomplex crystallization behaviors. Chinese Journal of PolymerScience 2017, 35(8): 974-991.
[49] Xuefang Wang, Zhitao Wu, JianboLi*, Guoyu Pan, Donglu Shi and Jie Ren. Preparation, characterization,biotoxicity, and biodistribution of thermo-responsive magnetic complex micellesformed by Mn0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4 and a PCL/PEG analogue copolymer for controlled drugdelivery. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2017, 5(2): 296-306. (IF=4.872)
[48] Lei Yea, Jie Ren, Shenyang Cai,Zhigang Wang, Jianbo Li*. Polylactic acid Nanocomposite withImproved Flame Retardancy and Impact Strength by Combining of Phosphinates andOrganoclay. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 2016, 34(6): 785-796.
[47] Chao Lin, Bo Lou, Jie Zhao, Rong Jin,Peng Zhao, Jianbo Li, Jie Ren. Self-assembled micelles ofPEG-poly(disulfide carbamate amine) copolymers for intracellulardual-responsive drug delivery. Journal of Materials Chemistry B2016, 4(5): 902-909.
[46] Shenyang Cai, Chao Zeng, NaiwenZhang, Jianbo Li, Markus Meyer, Rainer H. Fink, Donglu Shi, JieRen. Enhanced mechanical properties of PLA/PLAE blends via well dispersed andcompatilized nanostructures in the matrix. RSC Advances 2016, 6(30):25531-25540.
[45] Li Deng, Jie Ren, Jianbo Li*,Junzhao Leng, Yang Qu, Chao Lin, Donglu Shi. Magnetothermally responsivestar-block copolymeric micelles for controlled drug delivery and enhancedthermo-chemotherapy. Nanoscale 2015, 7(21): 9655-9663. (IF=7.760)
[44] Yan Liu, Chao Lin, Jianbo Li*,Yang Qu, Jie Ren. In Vitro and In Vivo Gene Transfection Using Biodegradableand Low Cytotoxic Nanomicelles Based on Dendritic Block Copolymers. Journalof Materials Chemistry B 2015, 3(4):688-699. (IF=4.872)
[43] Junzhao Leng, Jianbo Li*,Jie Ren, Li Deng, Chao Lin. Star-block copolymer micellar nanocomposites withMn,Zn-doped nano-ferrite as superparamagnetic MRI contrast agent for tumorimaging. Materials Letters 2015, 152: 185-188.
[42] Xie Chen, Jie Ren, Naiwen Zhang,Shuying Gu, Jianbo Li*. Effects of heat treatment on the thermaland mechanical properties of ramie fabric-reinforced PLA biocomposites. Journalof Reinforced Plastics and Composites 2015, 34(1): 28-36.
[41] Jinyang Li, Xue Qu, Gregory F. Payne,Cheng Zhang, Yuxin Zhang, Jianbo Li, Jie Ren, Hua Hong,Changsheng Liu*. Biospecific Self-Assembly of a Nanoparticle Coating forTargeted and Stimuli-Responsive Drug Delivery. Advanced FunctionalMaterials 2015, 25(9): 1404-1417.
[40] Cheng Zhang, Xue Qu, Jinyang Li, HuaHong, Jianbo Li, Jie Ren, Gregory F. Payne, Changsheng Liu.Biofabricated Nanoparticle Coating for Liver-Cell Targeting. AdvancedHealthcare Materials 2015, 4(13): 1972-1981.
[39] Baolin Huang, Yuan Yuan, Sai Ding, JianboLi, Jie Ren, Bo Feng, Tong Li, Yuantong Gu, Changsheng Liu.Nanostructured hydroxyapatite surfaces-mediated adsorption alters recognitionof BMP receptor IA and bioactivity of bone morphogenetic protein-2. ActaBiomaterialia 2015, 27: 275-285.
[38] Yang Qu, Jianbo Li*,Jie Ren, Junzhao Leng, Chao Lin, Donglu Shi. Enhanced synergism ofthermo-chemotherapy by combining highly efficient magnetic hyperthermia withmagnetothermally-facilitated drug release. Nanoscale 2014, 6(21):12408-12413. (IF=7.760)
[37] Yang Qu, Jianbo Li*,Jie Ren, Junzhao Leng, Chao Lin, Donglu Shi. Enhanced Magnetic FluidHyperthermia by Micellar Magnetic Nanoclusters Composed of MnxZn1-xFe2O4Nanoparticles for Induced Tumor Cell Apoptosis. ACS Applied Materials& Interfaces 2014, 6(19): 16867-16879.(IF=7.145)
[36] Jianbo Li*, JunzhaoLeng, Yang Qu, Li Deng, Jie Ren. Preparation and optimization ofbiodegradable star-block copolymer micelles for temperature-triggered drugrelease. Materials Letters 2014, 131: 5-8.
[35] Yan Liu, Jianbo Li*,Jie Ren, Chao Lin, Junzhao Leng. Preparation and in vitro pH-responsivedrug release of amphiphilic dendritic star-block copolymer complex micelles. MaterialsLetters 2014, 127: 8-11.
[34] Yan Liu, Jie Ren, Junzhao Leng, JianboLi*, Li Deng. Preparation of PEG Functionalized Nanoparticles for DrugDelivery to Cancer Cells. Advanced Materials Research2014,893: 194-197.
[33] Xie Chen, Naiwen Zhang, Shuying Gu, JianboLi, Jie Ren. Preparation and properties of ramie fabric-reinforcedthermoset poly lactic acid composites. Journal ofReinforced Plastics and Composites 2014, 33(10): 953-963.
[32] Yang Qu, Jianbo Li*,Jie Ren. Thermo-Sensitive Drug Delivery and Relevant Applications onThermo-Chemotherapy. Progress in Chemistry 2013, 25(5): 785-798.
[31] Weizhong Yuan, Xu Liu, Hui Zou, JianboLi, Hua Yuan, Jie Ren. Synthesis, Self-Assembly, and Properties ofHomoarm and Heteroarm Star-Shaped Inorganic–Organic Hybrid Polymers with a POSSCore. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2013, 214(14):1580-1589.
[30] Jianbo Li, Yang Qu, JieRen*, Weizhong Yuan, Donglu Shi. Magnetocaloric effect inmagnetothermally-responsive nanocarriers for hyperthermia-triggered drugrelease. Nanotechnology 2012, 23(50): 505706.
[29] Jianbo Li, Jun Han, JieRen*. Interaction of human fibroblasts with electrospun compositesgelatin/PLLA, chitosan/PLLA and PLLA fibrous scaffolds. Journal of ShanghaiJiaotong University (Science) 2012, 17(5): 559-566.
[28] Xiaoli Zheng, Qun Xu*, JianboLi, Lihua Li, Junyi Wei. High-Throughput, Direct Exfoliation ofGraphite to Graphene via a Cooperation of Supercritical CO2 andPyrene-polymers. RSC Advances2012, 2(28): 10632-10638.
[27] Shaokun Chang, Chao Zeng, JianboLi, Jie Ren*. Synthesis of Polylactide-Based Thermoset Resin and ItsCuring kinetics. Polymer International 2012, 61(10): 1492-1502.
[26] Yang Cao, Jie Ren, Jianbo Li,Yan Liu. Thermo-Responsive Mn-Zn Ferrite/Poly(N,N'-IsopropylAcrylamide-co-N-Hydroxymethylacrylamide) Core/Shell Nanocomposites forDrug-Delivery Systems.Journal of Biomedical Science- Polymer Edition2011, 22(11): 1473-1486.
[25] 李建波, 任杰, 吴庆生. 聚乳酸星形与树枝状共聚物的研究进展. 高分子通报 2011, (3): 6-15.
[24] Jianbo Li, Jie Ren,Yang Cao, Weizhong Yuan. Controlled synthesis of biodegradable pentaarmedstar-block copolymers via an asymmetric BIS-TRIS core by combination of ROP andRAFT: From star architectures to double responsive micelles. Polymer2010, 51(6): 1301-1310.
[23] Shuying Gu, Zhimei Wang,Jianbo Li,JieRen. Switchable Wettability ofThermo-Responsive Biocompatible Nanofibrous Films Created by Electrospinning. MacromolecularMaterials and Engineering 2010, 295(1): 32-36.
[22] Yang Cao, Jie Ren, Jianbo Li,Yan Liu. Preparation and characterization of Mn-Zn ferrite/poly(N,N'-isopropylacrylamide) core/shell nanocomposites via in-situ polymerization. MaterialsLetters 2010, 64(14): 1570-1573.
[21] Zhonghai Zhang, Jie Ren, Yue Feng, JianboLi, Weizhong Yuan. Microwave-assisted synthesis of star-shapedpoly(ε-caprolactone)-block-poly(L-lactide) copolymers and the crystallinemorphologies. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry2010, 48(22): 5063-5071.
[20] Jie Ren, Zhonghai Zhang, Yue Feng, JianboLi, Weizhong Yuan. Synthesis of Star-ShapedPoly(epsilon-caprolactone)-b-poly(L-lactide) Copolymers: From StarArchitectures to Crystalline Morphologies. Journal of Applied PolymerScience 2010, 118(5): 2650-2658.
[19] 李建波, 任杰. 聚乳酸接枝共聚物的研究进展. 材料导报 2010, 24(12): 86-90.
[18] 张忠海, 李建波, 袁伟忠, 任杰. 微波技术在生物可降解聚合物合成中的研究进展. 高分子通报 2010, (06): 47-52.
[17] Jianbo Li, Jie Ren,Yang Cao, Weizhong Yuan. Preparation and characterization of thermosensitiveand biodegradable PNDH-g-PLLA nanoparticles for drug delivery. Reactive& Functional Polymers2009, 69(12): 870-876.
[16] Jianbo Li, Qun Xu,Jiguang Wang, Jianxia Jiao, Zhiwei Zhang. Controlled Synthesis of MonolithicHierarchical Porous Materials Using Wood as a Template with Assistance ofSupercritical Carbon Dioxide. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2008,47(20): 7680-7685.
[15] 彭琦, 许群, 李宏平, 李建波. 超临界流体沉积技术在材料颗粒制备中的应用. 世界科技研究与发展, 2007, 29(4): 9-15.
[14] 李建波, 许群. 层-层自组装技术的发展与利用. 世界科技研究与发展, 2007, 29(3): 31-38.
[13]胡银春, 许群, 李建波, 后振中, 范海娟. 超临界CO2在制备PCL/水杨酸甲酯控释体系中的应用研究. 世界科技研究与发展, 2007, 29(3): 22-26.
[12] Cuiyu Yin, Jianbo Li,Qun Xu, Qi Peng, Yabei Liu, Xinyuan Shen. Chemical modification of cottoncellulose in supercritical carbon dioxide: Synthesis and characterization ofcellulose carbamate. Carbohydr Polym, 2007, 67(2): 147-154.
[11] Qun Xu, Zhenzhong Hou, Guangfa Zhang,Haijuan Fan, Jianbo Li, Shijun Zheng. Supercritical carbondioxide assisted grafting of polyacrylamide to polypropylene. J ApplPolym Sci, 2006, 101(4): 2614-2618.
[10] Zhenzhong Hou, Qun Xu, Qi Peng, JianboLi, Haijuan Fan, Shijun Zheng. Different factors in the supercriticalCO2-assisted grafting of poly(acrylic acid) to polypropylene. JAppl Polym Sci, 2006, 100(6): 4280-4285.
[9] Jianbo Li, QunXu, Qi Peng, Maizhi Pang, Suqin He, Chengshen Zhu. Supercritical CO2-assistedsynthesis of polystyrene/clay nanocomposites via in situ intercalativepolymerization. J Appl Polym Sci, 2006, 100(1): 671-676.
[8] Qun Xu, Jianbo Li, QiPeng, Linlin Wu, Suping Li. Novel and simple synthesis of hollow porous silicafibers with hierarchical structure using silk as template. Mat Sci EngB-Solid, 2006, 127(2-3): 212-217.
[7] 许群, 李建波, 丁昆仑, 何留民, 郭益群. 超临界CO2中以活性碳为模板由TEOS制备多孔SiO2.应用化学, 2005,22(8): 835-839.
[6] 许群, 李建波, 赫金玲, 常玉宁, 郭益群, 苏运来. 超临界CO2辅助固体酸催化剂的制备及其在ε-己内酯可控聚合中的应用. 应用化学, 2005, 22(8): 920-922.
[5] 许群, 后振中, 姜玉, 彭琦, 李建波, 范海娟. 超临界CO2辅助制备聚苯乙烯/尼龙1010共混物及其结晶形态. 应用化学, 2005,22(6): 685-687.
[4] Qun Xu, Kunlun Ding, Liumin He, JianboLi, Yiqun Guo, Haijuan Fan. A new mechanism about the process of preparingnanoporous silica with activated carbon mold. Mat Sci Eng B-Solid, 2005,121(3): 266-271.
[3] Qun Xu, Maizhi Pang, Qi Peng, YuJiang, Jianbo Li, Hongying Wang, Mingwei Zhu. Effect of differentexperimental conditions on biodegradable polylactide membranes prepared withsupercritical CO2 as nonsolvent. J Appl Polym Sci, 2005, 98(2):831-837.
[2] Qi Peng, Qun Xu, Hongyan Xu, MaizhiPang, Jianbo Li, Dengfeng Sun. Supercritical CO2-assistedsynthesis of poly(acrylic acid)/Antheraea pernyi SF blend. J Appl PolymSci, 2005, 98(2): 864-868.
[1] Qun Xu, Maizhi Pang, Qi Peng, JianboLi, Yu Jiang. Application of supercritical carbon dioxide in thepreparation of biodegradable polylactide membranes. J Appl Polym Sci,2004, 94(5): 2158-2163.